Kajang, 21st December 2016 - Christmas came early for the special needs children and caretakers at Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Kajang (PKIK) when Empire Hotel management led by General Manager, Mr Christopher Kok visited them to spread the Christmas joy. There were big smiles all around as 50 children were showered with gifts, food, games and even Santa himself came to visit from the North Pole!
The visitation started off with the PKIK children together with their dedicated caretakers enjoying themselves by dancing and singing along to well-known Christmas jingles while Santa gave out balloon sculptures and gifts to the children. Empire Hotel prepared a generous buffet spread consisting of delicious local and western dishes which delighted the crowd. After a scrumptious meal, Empire Hotel team assisted by the caretakers of PKIK had a joyous time coordinating mini games to interact with the children and the winner was presented a special gift. The dedication and big hearts of all the PKIK caretakers were also acknowledged as they were presented with a gift bag each as a token of appreciation from Empire Hotel.
“It’s not easy to run these homes as each child has specific needs and being special needs children, they require even more care, love and support from the community. We are thankful to have Empire Hotel team taking time off their busy schedules to bring Christmas joy to the children and making today such a memorable Christmas,” said PKIK representative, Ms Kong.
Empire Hotel plans to continue this heart-warming tradition of celebrating Christmas with orphanage homes and special needs children next year and for the years to come. As the saying goes, to live is to love.
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